I have two credit cards from leading banks in the country and as most financial experts’ advice, usage of credit card is the most complicated financial risk you could make in your financial plan. As you may tend to anticipate certain freebies from credit card companies and fixed charges for usage of financial transactions. However, in reality the exact opposite thing happens, like for each freebie or discounts the credit card companies have standard terms and conditions and for each financial transactions you make in your credit card, there are high charges associated with it. Let us take discounts and see how these credit card companies manipulate it: they would advertise “50% off on all clothing and electronics products online and hurry now!“. But in reality, there are lot of terms and conditions associated with it like the minimum transactions for applicable orders would be like $250+ and maximum discount one card eligible for the transaction would be $5. So, finally for you to save $5 you had to pay $250+ and provided the transaction should be closed within specified grace period, else you would be levied with high debt interest charges. Continue reading more topics like these at “G R Team Sites” listed right section of this site.
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