March 13, 2020

Reopen old service request before long vacation

I was shuffling between old and new service requests occasionally, I was waiting for the time to come for focusing on the dedicated service requests and not to deviate with multiple requests on my plate. Coming back to the service request, which I was working earlier, the opportunity moved from the start stage to end-stage and I had no role to play there. Therefore, I closed my work for the day earlier than usual, went home to spend quality time with my family, and was hoping, that the next day I get a good service request to work on. The next day, I went late to the office and was checking my emails during the first half of the day and to my surprise, no work was assigned to me. This made me completely worry as, it could end in two different ways, one thing is, I can get the most complicated service request and another part is I may need to work for my managers’ report, which is most hostile work in the team. Out of nowhere, I got a mail from my old service request thread, requesting my support for the next few days and worrying part was I had my long vacation plans. I was in a confused stage, whether to be happy about getting little work from my old service request or to be worried about getting work before vacation, which has a high probability of influencing my vacation. Read more from “G R Team Sites”

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