December 21, 2022

Why People hate getting back to office or work from office

Why People hate getting back to office or work from office

With Covid-19 transforming the way the IT industry operates with employees supporting their project requirements remotely, there is a huge hesitation among the staff for returning to office and there are few reasons associated. However, from my view I personally feel that following are my reasons on why I hate to get back to office.
  • Unwanted gossips & leisure time with office co-workers: The return to office (RTO) objective was to get back employees together and have collaborative working, the reality often seems different. Getting back to office may often lead to unwanted gossips and discussions about things irrelevant to work. In addition, it may often lead to time being spent on some leisure items with coworkers due to peer pressure and may often result in delayed work completion.
  • Traffic and time spent while traveling to office: The other most irritating factor about getting back to office is the time being spent while traveling and getting stuck during peak hour traffic. No matter at what time your start to office or leave the office, you often get stuck in the traffic and may have to spend a lot of time in travel.
The above are few reasons from my end on why I hate returning to office and how I still enjoy working from home with a lot more perks and comfort. To read more such articles and reason from my end, please feel free to check out the articles published in “G R Team Sites”

November 5, 2022

Help to find Finger Transplanter

For more farmers, finding customized, high quality and reliable transplanters for their farming needs has become one of the most complicated and difficult processes. As, there are wide range of manufacturers out there in the market, promising to offer quality and customizable transplanters for consumers. However, most manufacturers out there in the market lack customizable options in transplanters based on plant needs and may even lack reliability of the products. So, make sure that you check out reliable and customizable transplanters products offered by trusted manufacturers like “The Checchi & Magli company”. The Checchi & Magli company is one of the most trusted and reliable transplanter solution providers in the market with wide range of transplanters that no other competitor in its class could offer. Like, if you are looking for customizable transplanter solution or suitable transplanter for different seedling requirements, then Finger transplanter from the Checchi & Magli company would be the smart solution.
Help to find Finger Transplanter
The Finger transplanter from Checchi & Magli company comprises of unique features and a lot of customizable options based on seedling requirements that no other transplanter products could match. The unique features of the finger transplanter available from the Checchi & Magli company are as follows:

  • The unit has customizable semiautomatic gripper type for seedling either with bare roots or bald roots.
  • The unit can also be utilized for biomass and bioenergy cultivation requirements.
  • The unit is equipped with two driving wheels and standard 10-gripper distributor for inter-plant spacings ranging from 23 to 80 cm
  • The unit also offers customizations for smaller spacings and larger spacings available based on request.
  • The unit is capable of planting 2000/2500 plants per hour in each row enabling high productive output
For more information about the product, please feel free to check out the catalogue available from the Checchi & Magli company or the above-mentioned link and you can also get more insights about the product capabilities from their site. 

October 6, 2022

Frustrating things of owning Apple Devices – iPhone, iPads, and Macs

Frustrating things of owning Apple Devices – iPhone, iPads, and Macs

I have been owning Apple devices for a long time and have always been fan for its quality, ease of use and ecosystem. However, there are few frustrating things about owning Apple devices and how accidental damage could ruin your entire user experience. Accidental damage may happen to anyone or during anytime, it’s the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that the device is restored to the working condition in the simplest way and at affordable option. Apple devices has exception to all those concerns, as following are my issues of owning Apple devices and how my experience with the ecosystem is impacted.
  • Lack of trusted third-party service centers: If at all you had accidental damage to your Apple Devices – iPhone, iPad, Watch or Macs, then the only reliable option is to check with authorized service centers with exorbitant pricing and with hefty replacement charges. Even with large adoption of Apple devices in recent years, there has not been trusted third-party service centers with proven track record to have hassle free repairing option and second opinion on possible solution for accidental damage to the Apple device.
  • Simple diagnostic tools and unavailability of spare parts: As we know, with exorbitant Apple service or repairing options, we are left with two options of getting it repaired for hefty charges or getting it repaired with duplicate spare parts from third-party service centers. However, a simple diagnostic tool to identify the issue even if device failed to boot up and open market availability of spare parts from Apple directly would be most sensible option for most Apple device users.

Hope, Apple addresses the concerns from long-term users about how frustrating it has been to repair or find a solution to repair accidental damage or software corruption in the device. To read more such articles, please feel free to check out the “G R Team Sites”

September 8, 2022

Lack of Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio support in Disney + Hotstar

 In recent years, the OTT has taken everyone by storm with its market share and number of people or youngsters watching the content every day. Both Netflix and Disney+ have been front-runner in gaining new subscriber or bringing the regional content to the masses, both have their own pros and cons. However, one major disadvantage in Disney+ OTT platform is their lack of support for Dolby Atmos and Spatial audio. Following are my reasons on why Disney+ OTT platform should adopt to this new feature at the earliest

  • Competitors advantage: Amazon Prime have adopted to the Dolby Atoms sounding options and Netflix have gone one step further by adding Spatial audio feature to its content. The Dolby Atmos have been now available consistently with content from Amazon Prime, the sound experience was good and helps users across Android/iOS ecosystem to enjoy the content. While Spatial audio is more specific to Apple ecosystem, adopting this advanced sound feature for its content would force its subscribers to engage in the OTT platform and enables its users to experience the content with advanced sounding option.
  • Delayed feature adoption is a missed opportunity: With technology advancements and new sounding features available each day, the delayed feature adoption would eventually lead to subscribers exiting the OTT platform and continue their subscription to the other platforms.

Hope Disney+ understands the importance of introducing new technologies such as Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio options to its content. For more such information or articles, please feel free to check out the articles published in “G R Team Sites”

August 5, 2022

How latest iWork update impacts old Mac users

I have been using iWork applications like Numbers, Keynote and Pages applications for my day-to-day personal activities and always felt comfortable for its ease of use and default cross device support. However, apple has stopped support for iWork applications for users still using older Macs and does not have any option to enable backward compatibility feature. I was completely frustrated with these recent announcements from Apple and following are my issues with the latest update for iWork applications. 
  • Lack of Pivot Table and new features support: Most important feature that Apple had introduced in the latest version of the iWork in Numbers is the support for Pivot Table. However, creation and viewing of pivot table is limited only to the latest version and user will not be able to open or access the files updated with the latest features available in Numbers. 
  • Unsupported latest versions of iWork: Another major drawback introduced in the latest version of the Numbers is that users would not be able to view or access the Numbers file created with the latest version or new features of the iWork suite. For example, if you had created a new version of the iWork document on the go with your iPad or iPhone and by mistake you had utilized any latest feature, then the document cannot be accessed or viewed in old MacBook machine. 
It is completely baffling to see Apple withdrawing support of new features to the older version(s) of Mac operating system, as Microsoft were able to continue their dominance in the office suite due to support of new features even to the legacy computer. Hopefully, Apple rethinks its strategy and ensures the legacy MAC operating system or MacBook has access to latest iWork features. To read more such articles, please feel free to check out the “G R Team Sites"